IAA Angers

Mr. Robert John Angers, Jr.
Lifetime Achievement Recipient
International Achievement Award
Mr. Angers has been named the recipient of a special “Lifetime International Achievement Award” presented by the International Trade Development Group and Le Centre International de Lafayette.
Mr. Angers founded TIRAA, The International Relations Association of Acadiana, in 1977, to promote trade, tourism and goodwill with French- and Spanish-speaking countries. He was also instrumental in the organization of the International Good Neighbor Council (IGNC) in Louisiana, which promotes good will among the nations in the Western Hemisphere. A Charter Member of the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL), Angers published the Banner-Tribune in Franklin for fifteen years and later managed The Daily Iberian. At the time of his demise he served as business editor and columnist at The Daily Advertiser. In addition, he edited Latin American Report magazine.
In 1968, Angers founded Acadiana Profile magazine to highlight the accomplishments and heritage of South Louisiana. It remains the longest-published regional magazine in the history of the state. It has covered every subject imaginable dealing with the Acadiana region and reaches out to subscribers all over the United States even to some subscribers abroad.
Among the many honors Angers received were the George Washington Award from The Freedom Foundation in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania; and TIRAA’s first “Outstanding Citizen of Acadiana” award in 1980. Chester Martin, who was chairman of the event, pointed out that “Angers had spread more international good will and understanding between the Acadian, Spanish and French speaking countries of the world than any government agency ever has.”
Angers was named a Paul Harris Fellow by the Lafayette Rotary Club for his efforts to promote the Rotary Academy of International Studies. He also served as president of the Louisiana State Jaycees and was president of the Louisiana Press Association, which presented him with its highest award, The President’s Award, for his contribution to journalism during a quarter of a century. Mr. Angers passed away October 13, 1988.